
Shelson Natural Health Therapies

We are committed to providing a diverse range of alternative health therapies to empower our clients on their journey to holistic wellness.

Different bodies have different needs. Our therapies are designed to work with your body, not against it! Your goal could be to address a specific minor or major illness, sensitivity issues, focus on disease prevention, pain management, or design a detoxification or cleanse program. Our experienced team of practitioners is dedicated to addressing the root cause of imbalances, offering natural healing methods that nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Some of the therapies and methods that we apply are listed below. Simply schedule an appointment to take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life.

Herbal Tinctures

Herbal Tinctures

God has supplied every “herb of the field” as a support for the health of our bodies. Herbs help to balance, cleanse, and nurture our bodies to prevent disease. Our tinctures are made in-house by our herbalist Madison who has put in her enormous effort to make each tincture phenomenal in its action for various conditions. We use quality, organic herbs to compound tinctures specific to our clients’ needs and can be customized to best fit the protocol necessary to promote optimal wellness.


Homeopathy is an alternative medicine, founded by the German physician Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in the 1700s. In Greek, homeo, meaning “similar”, and pathos, meaning “suffering”. He described his new system of medicine that follows the phenomenon “like cures like”(similia similibus currentur). A remedy that produces a specific symptom in a healthy individual can cure the patient of a disease producing identical or similar symptoms. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own immune and defense systems to initiate the healing process.

A natural choice. The active ingredients in homeopathic medicines are made from diluted extracts of plants, animals, minerals, or other raw substances found in nature.

For everyday use. Homeopathic medicines can be used to relieve symptoms of a wide range of common health conditions such as allergies, coughs, colds, flu, digestion issues, joint and muscle pain, hormonal, autoimmune and neurological disorders.

Safe and reliable. Homeopathy has been used for more than 200 years, building a remarkable safety record and generating a great body of knowledge. Homeopathic medicines do not mask symptoms, are not contraindicated with pre-existing conditions, and are not known to interact with other medications or supplements, making them one of the safest treatment choice.

Rigorous standards. Homeopathic medicines are manufactured according to the highest standards, complying with U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).


IonCleanse Foot Detox

IonCleanse Foot Detox

Toxins damage nearly all organs and systems affecting every physiological function in the body. Toxins can be harmful germs, heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and harmful chemicals in cosmetics. Symptoms of toxicity could be fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, brain fog, hormonal issues, digestive discomforts like dysbiosis, leaky gut, malabsorption and food intolerances. Detoxification is a way to cleanse our bodies and rid them off toxins and debris that we have collected over the years. There are many ways one can detoxify. In our office, we use Ioncleanse Foot Detox as a way to remove toxins from the body.

The IonCleanse detox is a relaxation and detoxification therapy that works by ionizing the water molecule splitting H2O into OH- and H+ ions. These ions act like billions of tiny magnets in the water to create the draw of oppositely charged toxins from the body. The relaxation effect experienced during the foot bath produces an ongoing detoxification release from the body. Most people feel lighter on their feet, have more energy, clearer thinking, and reduce stress.

qEEG Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback

qEEG Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback

qEEG Brain Mapping is a computer-powered measurement and analysis of the brain’s activity. It measures different sizes and frequencies of brainwaves, all of which correlate to particular kinds of brain activity. It uses electrodes, which act like tiny microphones, placed on the client’s scalp to record and amplify brainwaves and control auditory, visual and/or tactile feedback which allows learning to take place. This operant learning initiates self-regulation and enhances relaxation, both necessary components of good brain function.

The qEEG can aid in the diagnosis of many conditions because it can help describe specific areas of strength and weaknesses in brain function. It can help reveal the underlying neurophysiology associated with a variety of disorders. These include Attention deficit disorder (ADD), Traumatic brain injury (TBI), learning disorders, language disorders, sensory processing disorders, auditory processing disorders, anxiety/depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), insomnia and emotional regulation difficulties, etc.The qEEG brain mapping are of clinical value for treatment purposes such as neurofeedback training. 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is an abbreviation for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment which enhances the body’s natural healing process by delivering oxygen under pressure, increasing the oxygen content in the blood and in the cerebral spinal fluid, flooding the tissues with oxygen.

How does HBOT work?
Hyperoxygenation – By increasing the oxygen dissolved in the plasma (the liquid portion of the blood), the lymphatic fluid, and the cerebrospinal fluid, HBOT increases the oxygen available to damaged tissues, stimulating healing. Neovascularization – HBOT stimulates blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) and collagen (connective tissue) formation in areas that were previously resistant due to lack of oxygen. Hyperoxia enhanced antimicrobial activity – HBOT reduces or eliminates the effects of toxic substances, bacteria, viruses, and yeast by increasing the tissue oxygen levels. Hyperoxia enhanced immune response – HBOT activates the white blood cells to fight infection, promoting resistance to infection, as well as wound healing. HBOT also helps to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

What conditions are treated with HBOT?
HBOT is FDA approved to treat air or gas embolism, carbon monoxide & cyanide poisoning, crush injury & acute traumatic ischemia, decompression sickness, delayed radiation injury, diabetic foot ulcers, enhanced healing of problem wounds, exceptional blood loss, gas gangrene, intracranial abscess, necrotizing soft tissue infections, osteomyelitis (refractory), skin grafts and flaps(compromised), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and thermal burns.

Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy

Frequency therapy is a non-invasive holistic method based on the principle of resonance. This approach posits that every microorganism, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites, has a unique frequency (electromagnetic frequency) at which it vibrates. Frequency therapy seeks to harness the power of specific frequencies to target and disrupt the structure and function of harmful microorganisms within the body, ultimately restoring balance and health.

Benefits of Frequency Therapy:
1. Targeted Pathogen Elimination: One of the significant advantages of frequency therapy is its ability to target specific pathogens precisely. Unlike antibiotics, which can broadly affect harmful and beneficial microorganisms, Frequency Therapy focuses on selectively eliminating harmful ones while sparing beneficial ones.

2. Minimal Side Effects: Frequency Therapy, when administered correctly, is associated with minimal side effects, providing a more comfortable option for individuals with multiple health concerns.

Lab Analysis

Lab Analysis

We utilize SMA specialty Medical Lab, a CAP (College of American pathologists) accredited CLIA-certified clinical reference laboratory for a wide range of tests from routine blood tests, such as metabolic panels or blood cell morphology to complex panels like Heavy Metals, Allergy, Advanced Thyroid panel, Male and female Hormone Panels, Cardiac Risk and Weight Loss Profiles, which aid in the diagnosis or detection of diseases and measure the progress or recovery from a disease. Blood test results will be delivered in 1-2 days and a convenient appointment can be booked to discuss the results with the doctors for further evaluation of your health needs.

Dr. Dhivya (Livonia, MI) offers Blood analysis through Rupa Health Labs (HSA/FSA accepted).

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about the individual panels that are tested.

Your body is unique. Your care should be too.  

Dr. Matt Shelson‘s Natural Health Team believes that every person deserves personalized attention and care, which means your protocol will always be tailored specifically for you. Whether it’s preventative care or addressing symptoms, we want you to get back on track so you can live your best life possible! Schedule an appointment today!


QEEG Neurofeedback: A Journey Through Personal Healing

QEEG Neurofeedback: A Journey Through Personal Healing

Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) neurofeedback has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing mental health and cognitive functioning. As a practitioner deeply immersed in the world of neurofeedback, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative potential of this non-invasive brain training method. This blog aims to explore the many benefits of QEEG neurofeedback, grounded in scientific support, and share insights from a clinician’s perspective.